Wednesday, July 15, 2015

MadCap's Comic Reviews - "Lando #1"

"He's a card player, gambler, scoundrel.  You'd like him."

Better words have never been uttered to more accurately describe Lando Calrissian.  Administrator of Bespin's Cloud City, Rebel Alliance hero, and lovable rogue. Even more so than Han Solo himself, Lando Calrissian as played by Billy Dee Williams in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi is absolutely awash with charisma and it just oozes through in his performance. Sure he's a conman, sure you're not entirely positive you can trust him, but damn it if you don't want to root for him.

Apparently, when Marvel bought up the Star Wars franchise, they figured this out and set him up with his own comic series.  Set years before he joined the Rebels in their quest to save the galaxy, it is destined to follow Lando as he goes from conman to respected administrator of the Bespin mining facility of Cloud City.  Normally, I'm against prequels, especially in the case of Star Wars, but I have to admit I was suckered right in.  And how could I not be? I mean, it's Lando Calrissian.  The guy's as cool as ice!

The comic starts up with Lando on the planet Castell, somewhere between the Inner Rim and the Core of the Galaxy (it's a planet, in a place, in the galaxy. Don't be a nerd) admiring a mysterious and intricately designed orb.  Like a certain Guardian before him, Lando steals it...but by smooth-talking his way past a foxy Imperial Governor who he's been involved with for some time.

Afterwards, he explains to Lobot about his con.  Lobot, if you remember, was the guy in Empire Strikes Back who had the funky futuristic earmuffs and never said anything.  Here, he's a bit more chatty, giving Lando grief for taking too many risks despite the fact he did win out in the end (despite staggering odds).  Lando presents the Orb to Papa Toren, a crime boss who Lando's in quite a bit of debt to thanks to his gambling.  Instead of calling the debt even, though, Toren cuts off ten percent much to Lando's dismay.

However, if Lando does want to clear up the debt, then Torren has another job in mind...

Cue Gone in Sixty Seconds in Space. Boom.  Torren wants a pleasure craft belonging to some rich Imperial, so Lando and Lobot get a team together to pull the heist. It's a great little story, leading into a massive cliffhanger when we learn just who the stolen craft belongs to.  And without wishing to spoil, I'm afraid Lando and company will be in quite a bit of pain when he finds out...

The opening issue gives just enough to whet the appetite for future issues, with an excellent story written up by Charles Soule, and work on the art and coloring by Alex Maleev and Paul Mounts that faithfully recreates the futuristic feel of Star Wars.  I can't wait for more, and if you haven't picked this one up, you most definitely should.

Star Wars: Lando #1 is now available from Marvel Comics wherever fine comic books are sold.

For the latest from the MadCapMunchkin, be sure to follow him on Twitter @MadCapMunchkin.

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