Thursday, May 30, 2019

MadCap's Game Reviews - "Skyrim: Myrwatch"

Yeah, I know I promised this quite a while back. Everyone who will read this has either made a stalwart stance against the Creation Club or has already played it. But beyond that, this review also serves another purpose - it's the blog's eight year anniversary!

Seriously, I've been doing this for eight years! What the hell have I been doing with my life?! I'VE LOST COMPLETE CONTROL OF MY LIFE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

MadCap's Game Reviews - "Pokémon Crystal Clear"

Ah, yes! The ROM hack. It's territory I've explored before on this very blog, and ironically also in the territory of Pokémon several years ago for my Halloween special! The Pride of Kanto is never coming home!

But when I last went into the realm of that particular franchise, there was something I said...what was it?

The second reason is because of a ROM hack that I'm going to be taking a look at at some point in the future, one that I've taken quite a bit of enjoyment from after having it recommended to me via e-mail. More on that later.

Ah, well...later has indeed come! It's time to discuss one of the most intricately crafted ROM hacks I have ever come across - Shockslayer's very own Pokémon Crystal Clear.

I'm not gonna dance around the issue here - it's a really good one!

Friday, May 3, 2019

MadCap's Fiction Corner - "Minos Mayhem, Chapter 5"

The two made their way up to the Ascended Level without a word between them. The Ascended Level was Gehenna’s topmost by the helpful diagram on the lift wall, and it was the place that the Church of Infinite Perception called home. One of them, at least, since Calen was given to understand that the Church was at the topmost level of all of Pergitor’s domed cities - each one had an Ascended Level and, presumably, the vision he saw before him.

As the lift breached the floor beneath, they rose up to see banners hung from virtually every wall, all of them depicting the image of a closed eye with a few tears falling. Beneath them were several buildings that, unlike the well-constructed labyrinth levels below, had clearly been designed more for form than function. Calen could see several buildings that were clearly meant to be residents, meant for the super wealthy. Or, at least, what must have passed for super wealthy out this far on a mining colony that had long since stopped being used for that purpose. That being said, however, the buildings were decorated with tempered durasteel and precious gemstones to be as gaudy and ritzy as any of the manor houses of Coruscant.

At the center of it all, however, was a massive complex. It towered over everything, at the exact center of the great chasm that was the Ascended Level. If the other buildings had been gaudy and garish, this was something beyond even that. Calen was convinced that it would draw the eyes of the blind.

“The Grand Cathedral of the Ascended Path.” Ordos announced as they approached.

“Reminds me of Glin’s backroom.” Calen muttered, half-jokingly, and earned a ghost of smile from Ordos and a sound that he could have sworn was a stifled snort. The Cathedral was at least three times the height of the next tallest building, and was uniform in how it was covered with a mosaic of flawless stones, each caught the artificial lights coming from all directions and reflected it in a rather unpleasantly blinding way.