Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What If... the Trickster never reset the Timeline? (Part 4)

Last time, Team Reset had hit quite a hell of a stumbling block - namely the Apocalypse. Lucifer had risen and, it all once more led to that graveyard outside of Lawrence. This time, rather than Sam, Michael, and Lucifer being stuck in the Cage, it was now Gabriel and Michael in the cage. With Anna atomized and Bobby dead, Dean is now completely on his own... or so it would seem.

Let's see what happens next!

It's six months later. Lucifer has been using his time effectively to cement his control over Heaven. Much like Castiel did in the Prime Timeline's Season 6, he's been happy to burn his younger siblings to cinders to get his point across. He doesn't need to kill off as many as Castiel did before they fall in line, all of them needing someone to follow and now that Michael and Raphael are gone, Lucifer is basically the only choice that they have. Lucifer is quite happy with the set up and begins working on plans of his own.

On Earth, Dean has made his way back to the Singer Scrapyard and has been using Bobby's connections to try to find any sign of Lucifer, but there's been no sign of him. Hardly believing that Lucifer is dead after being molotov'd by Anna, he is determined to keep up the search. He also has the Rings of the Horsemen that serve as the keys to Lucifer's cage, but has no idea how to use them.

It is around that time that Anna returns to him, believing herself to have been reconstituted and empowered by God. She tells him about Lucifer's new position within Heaven and Dean expresses confusion as to why Lucifer hasn't taken over Earth as well or just triggered the Apocalypse. Anna says that Hell has been left in disarray after Lucifer's ascension to Heaven. If there are any answers to be found, they might be there. While Dean is reluctant given that he left only a year before, he agrees only after once more attempting to reach out to Chuck and receiving no answer. It seems that the prophet has gone off the grid...

Going back to the Devil's Gate in Wyoming, Dean uses the Colt to open it and enter Hell once again. He and Anna make sure to close the gate behind them, finding that Hell has fallen into more chaos than usual. With Lilith and Crowley dead and Lucifer apparently absentee, the demons are fighting each other for control of what few scraps they can get. Anna tells Dean of Lucifer's crypts, hidden storage spaces in Hell where Lucifer hid items he wanted to keep for himself or wanted to keep out of the hands of others. If they can get into one of them, they might be able to learn what Lucifer's plans are.

In Hell, the pair encounter Asmodeus, who has returned to take over in his father's stead. Needless to say, things aren't going well for him. He holds an interest in finding Lucifer's Crypts and attempts to capture Anna for her knowledge of them to further that particular end. With her help, Dean finds one of the Crypts and takes from it a single feather of Lucifer's and a very unique spear that Anna recognizes as Lucifer's main weapon of choice. Anna then uses great deal of her own power to open a rift back to Earth, Asmodeus left shaking his fist in their wake as he still has Hell to get under control. Luckily, he has been left with some goodies that Lucifer had kept hidden... including some scrolls about a place called Purgatory...

Once back on Earth, Dean and Anna discuss their potential plans. With Lucifer's feather, they can use a ritual to summon the archangel back to Earth. If they open the Cage with the spear, they can potentially kill Michael and free Gabriel in one stroke. Deciding that killing Michael is the only way Gabriel can reset the timeline, Dean uses the knowledge that Death imparted to him and opens the Cage out in Bobby's junkyard using the rings of the Horsemen. Out comes Gabriel and Michael... and Dean manages to stab the latter. Michael is not killed by the weapon, instead shattering the spear and leaving Adam to bleed out.

Gabriel heals Adam while Dean and Anna get him up to speed on what's been going on. Gabriel tells them that, after leaving Adam, Michael will be looking for a new host and they won't have much time. When asked why he didn't try to possess Dean, Gabriel reminds them of the stipulation that angels require permission to possess hosts. Gabriel gathers up the pieces of Lucifer's spear, repairing them - although he does tell Dean it has less "juice" now, Michael appears to have taken some of it with him when he left.

In Heaven, Lucifer is living it up and lamenting how absolutely beige his younger siblings are (while planning designs on Purgatory) when Michael arrives hopped up on juice from the Spear. Even without a host, he proves to be too powerful for Lucifer. As their fight continues, Team Reset does their ritual to summon Lucifer back to Earth. Soon enough, he's gone, leaving Michael in charge upstairs once again along with a young up and coming Angel Naomi who is the first to reaffirm her fealty to him and to Heaven. Michael tells her that they have work to do, regardless of what the Winchesters are up to.

On Earth, Lucifer finds himself in a circle of holy fire. Dean tries to reach through to Sam beneath everything, but Lucifer attempts to rebuff him at every opportunity. When he has completely shut down to prevent further attempts, Gabriel and Anna use an Enochian exorcism ritual to pull Lucifer out of Sam. Though Lucifer threatens to leave Sam a vegetable, the two continue on and Lucifer gets kicked out, leaving Sam in a severely weakened state, but still alive and still at least mostly sane.

A few days later, while Sam is recovering and having some severe PTSD from his possession, he is questioned a bit about anything he learned from his time possessed by Lucifer, but he claims that he doesn't recall anything. After a little side trip to help Rufus handle a chimera (as well as properly mourn Bobby), Sam admits to Dean that he remembers everything that happened while Lucifer possessed him and he knew that he'd planned to seal off the gates of Heaven and Hell, only allowing passage at his discretion as he takes in souls to prepare himself to find and defeat God.

Lucifer has other crypts, and Sam knows the location of at least two of them, where the Angel and Demon tablets can be found. With those in mind, Team Reset plans to get the tablets before either Lucifer or Michael can.

Adam, if you'll remember, was gibbering insane even before Michael possessed him and is now more so. Locked up in Bobby's panic room, he has been waiting... and Lucifer has whispered to him, promising him power and all he has to do is say 'yes'. He agrees and Lucifer takes a new host. When Anna enters to check on him, Lucifer banishes her, and then Gabriel with a pair of Enochian sigils before he escapes.

With Sam's intel, he and Dean make their way to one of the Crypts and encounter Asmodeus and some of his goons there. Asmodeus informs the pair that he's been using the relics left behind in the Crypt in Hell, including an orrery that can be used to find other Crypts. Wanting to use Sam's knowledge, Asmodeus attempts to capture him. In the struggle that follows, the boys are saved by the intervention of Lucifer, who destroys Asmodeus' entourage of demons and seemingly destroys the Prince of Hell as well. Dean returns the favor by banishing Lucifer with an Enochian sigil (after apologizing to whatever is left of Adam) and he and Sam escape with the Angel tablet.

Back at the homefront, the two reunite with Gabriel and Anna. Neither of them can read the tablet, however, they'll need either a Prophet or the original writer of the tablets - Metatron, who the rest of the angels believe to be dead. As Dean makes one last stab at contacting Chuck, but is again unsuccessful, Gabriel uses his knowledge the divine machine and hunts down a not yet awakened Prophet - Kevin Tran. Given that it's only 2010 rather than 2011 as in the Prime timeline, Kevin is still a high school student who is very much put upon by his mother's expectations until he's struck by lightning.

Snatching him up before Heaven can get a hold of him, Gabriel brands Kevin's ribs with Enochian sigils and then explains the situation. Understandably, he is very much freaked out by all of this and it takes some time to get him over to their side. Sam ultimately ends up being the voice to sway him over to their side, Sam finding in Kevin a familiar view of a brilliant young man thrust into the world of the supernatural with absolutely no warning.

While Kevin works on translating the Angel Tablet, the rest of Team Reset begins work on getting the Demon Tablet. Their journey takes them to Nome, Alaska and one of Crowley's hiding places. Unfortunately, they find that Asmodeus is not only alive but has beaten them to it. That, and he has a new friend, two specifically: two dragons. They snatch up the Demon Tablet and make their escape before Sam and Dean can stop them.

Looking into stories of dragons, even Gabriel is more than a little confused seeing as dragons haven't been seen on Earth in literally centuries. When questioned about what could have brought them back, the archangel insists that it couldn't have been "her", but refuses to elaborate on that.

Elsewhere, Asmodeus and his two dragon compatriots bring a young brunette woman to a cave. Casting her into the hole, she soon emerges... Eve has risen...

With help from Bobby's books, Kevin has managed to translate part of the Angel tablet. Along with a ritual to cast every angel out of Heaven and another to seal the gates of Heaven forever, he finds a ritual that can bring down any specific angel and completely control their will. Being that Gabriel knows the True Name of Michael, the group decides that they can use the ritual to bring down Michael and make him reset the timeline. They prepare to do just that, but are immediately assaulted by Lucifer, who attempts to take the Angel Tablet for himself and put the ritual into practice on Gabriel, intending to weaponize him against Heaven.

Michael arrives and plans to destroy the lot of them, but he finds his powers no longer work. Gabriel and Lucifer both find the same as well, and the arrival of Asmodeus explains it all... and the reveal of a new player in town - Eve.

And that's where we'll be leaving off this time.

Didn't I tell you we were going to go even more off-script? Next time, we'll see Eve's plan in action and learn whether or not Asmodeus has a part in that or if he's being played like a fiddle (spoiler alert: he is). Will the archangels find a way around Eve's powers? Will the Winchesters find a way to kill Eve as they did in the Prime Timeline? Find out when we get to Part 5...

Be there!

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