Monday, July 31, 2023

From MadCap's Couch - Doctor Who: "The Big Bang"

*record scratch* Yeah... it's me. You're probably wondering how I got here.
Well, to answer that, we'll have to go back a ways... or forward... it's complicated.

I'm always fashionably late to weddings, after all.

Monday, July 24, 2023

From MadCap's Couch - Doctor Who: "The Pandorica Opens"

Piscem hunc magnum quondam cepi!

And so, we come to it at last! The first part of the epic two part finale of Series 5!


Monday, July 17, 2023

From MadCap's Couch - Doctor Who: "The Lodger"

"Hey, wanna buy some Girl Scout cookies?"

Now it's time for a concept that I'm kind of iffy about - the companion-lite episode. The reverse of Doctor-lite episodes like Love & MonstersBlink, and Turn Left, we saw this experimented with in the very, very excellent Midnight, where Russell T. Davies cleverly (no, really, it was) explored the tropes of Doctor Who and turned them on their head. In Series 5, Moffat decided to continue the tradition and thus Gareth Roberts penned The Lodger, which we'll be looking at today.

Monday, July 10, 2023

From MadCap's Couch - Doctor Who: "Vincent and the Doctor"

From lizard people from the dawn of time to a Post-Impressionist painter who is arguably one of the greatest who have ever lived. It's time to get into one of my favorite episodes of Series 5 and indeed the entire Matt Smith era of the show - Vincent and the Doctor.

Monday, July 3, 2023

From MadCap's Couch - Doctor Who: "Cold Blood"

Excuse me but do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Curt Connors?

Last time, the Doctor, Amy, and Rory found themselves at a Welsh mining operation in the far off year of 2020 that was becoming the target of a bunch of Silurians. Faced with a nigh-impossible situation, with humans captured by the Silurians and Silurians captured by the humans, the Doctor finds that it is not remotely a small tribe of them... not remotely a small tribe at all...