Monday, August 31, 2020

From MadCap's Couch - "Star Trek: Voyager" (7 Worst Episodes)

So here we are again, after the best that Voyager had to offer, let's get into the worst.

This is...the 7 worst episodes (by season).

Like with DS9, there are no runners up (expect for Season 6, but I'll get to that). This list was significantly easier to compile than the Best list.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

MadCap's Game Reviews - "FightCrab"

So, this one you can thank Tina for, specifically a retweet that Tina made that brought this to my attention. Thank you, baby!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What If...Ian and Barbara never investigated Susan Foreman? (Part 3)

When we last left this What If, the Doctor finally decided to show up just in time for a Dalek invasion of Shoreditch. Also, there were a lot more Imperial Daleks running the show than there were in Remembrance of the Daleks due to the Doctor having about 500 or so years less experience than he did in the proper timeline. When we left off last time, the Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Susan were caught in the basement of Coal Hill School with Daleks swarming them. How are they gonna get out of this one?

Monday, August 24, 2020

From MadCap's Couch - "Star Trek: Voyager" (7 Favorite Episodes)

So, I already did a best of list for my favorite Star Trek spin-off, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It was seven years of television that turned the very concept of Star Trek on its head, but in a very smart and sophisticated way, dissecting and inverting a lot of Gene Roddenberry's original concepts as well as giving the spotlight to several alien races that The Next Generation introduced and didn't do too much with in the way of development.

Voyager...really, really wasn't that.

MadCap's Trailer Reactions - "Gotham Knights"

Well, DC Fandome is off to a cracking start, isn't it? It's still going on at the time of this writing, so let's go with that. Even for a guy who is and has always been a Marvel fan like myself, there's a lot to like in here, particularly since I started picking up on watching the Arrowverse family of shows. While I think that the clickbait-y pronouncements that DC has put Marvel on the back foot with this are hilariously divorced from reality, I will have to tip my hat to the Distinguished Competition on their showmanship when Marvel's current counter to this all...are bad character designs and a deconstruction of Jack Kirby's Eternals that nobody asked for.

Just stop, I know you're going to click into a new tab to look up who those are.

In the still-going 48 hours of hype we've seen the Robert Pattison Batman trailer (I'll probably get to that later), new The Suicide Squad trailer, trailers for the upcoming seasons of the Arrowverse, that one Suicide Squad game from Rocksteady that no one seems to really want, and...this curious little gem among all the titans., not those Titans, although one of them is in the game.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

What If...Ian and Barbara never investigated Susan Foreman? (Part 2)

Last time a tiny little twist of fate saw Ian and Barbara not follow their student, Susan Foreman, home from school and thus weren't kidnapped by a crotchety old man and whisked off into time and space.

A short while later, aliens have invaded and it is going down! ...and by it, I mean the population of Shoreditch.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

MadCap's Game Reviews - "Erica"

There are moments where I want to go back in time and beat David Cage to death with a shovel before he creates Heavy Rain.

Oh, there I go getting off-topic already...

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What If...Ian and Barbara never investigated Susan Foreman? (Part 1)

Alright, so now that we have An Unearthly Child and Remembrance of the Daleks under our belts, we can chat about this particular What If that I've had running around in my head for quite some time. Going back to the events of Doctor Who's very first episode, let's take a look and see what would have happened if Ian and Barbara had decided not to go in pursuit of Susan Foreman and thus never discovered the truth about her origins.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

MadCap's Reel Thoughts - "The Gamers: Dorkness Rising" (2008)

Oh, c'mon. I think after last week, it's more than time for us to cover a good Dungeons & Dragons movie, isn't it?

...also after the actual Dungeons & Dragons movie that sucked harder than the vacuum of space.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

MadCap's Game Reviews - "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout"

There are times that I really, really hate that multiplayer exists.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the appeal of not having to pass a single controller around between you and your friends in order for everyone to enjoy the gaming experience. I mean, I presume, anyway.

I've never really had that many friends.

Monday, August 3, 2020

From MadCap's Couch - "Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks"

So, last time we left the Doctor he was a wiry old man who was a bit of an asshole and he has three traveling companions. Now, we return to him 25 years later. He's changed quite a bit since then. From the perfect Victorian era adventurer to a Chaplinesque scheme to a dashing James Bond knock off to being the only one most people remember from the Classic Show to being...okay, the point is that the Doctor has changed a lot in the 25 years between An Unearthly Child and now - Remembrance of the Daleks.

This was the first episode of the 25th Season of Doctor Who, the 25th Anniversary of the show itself, and the production team decided to kick things off with a bang.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

MadCap's Reel Thoughts - "Mazes and Monsters" (1982)

...yes, yes, it's a far out game. Swords, poisons, spells, battles, maiming, killing!

This movie, however, is steaming hot garbage.