Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What If...Ian and Barbara never investigated Susan Foreman? (Part 3)

When we last left this What If, the Doctor finally decided to show up just in time for a Dalek invasion of Shoreditch. Also, there were a lot more Imperial Daleks running the show than there were in Remembrance of the Daleks due to the Doctor having about 500 or so years less experience than he did in the proper timeline. When we left off last time, the Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Susan were caught in the basement of Coal Hill School with Daleks swarming them. How are they gonna get out of this one?

Well, the Renegade Daleks go on the offensive, of course!

Yeah, Part 3 is gonna be a big ol' fight episode. The Renegade Daleks mass and attack the Coal Hill School, the Doctor and company using the distraction in order to escape...though not before the Doctor pockets a few bits of scrap and wires out of a destroyed transmat...more on that later.

Needless to say, Gilmore orders a withdraw from the school as the Daleks battle it out between one another.

It's noted at one point by Susan that, while they've never seen the Daleks before, they seem to know the Doctor at least by species - they were able to pick out both the Doctor and Susan as Time Lords, something which unnerves Ian and Barbara seeing as it does confirm their earlier suspicions about something being abnormal with Susan. Clearly, they never expected something quite like this.

The Imperial Daleks start sending reinforcements through the transmat, but the Renegade Daleks push their advantage and eventually claim the Hand of Omega from where the Doctor had Gilmore hide it. Onboard the Dalek mothership, the Emperor instructs his underlings to prepare to land an assault shuttle on Earth.

Ratcliffe and his men are handed off the casket by the Renegade Daleks, that mysterious blonde girl from earlier watching and seemingly completely oblivious to the chaos as she watches. With the Hand of Omega taken, both factions of Daleks seemingly withdraw, which worries the Doctor greatly. However, with the technology he nicked from the broken transmat, and some other bits and pieces from the science lab and with Ian's assistance, he begins to build a countermeasure against the Daleks.

Mike also manages to escape in the chaos, but fairs little better than he does in the proper timeline, taken into custody along with Ratcliffe. However, he manages to keep his gun on him by stowing it away and waiting for an opportunity to escape.

The Doctor manages to run enough rings around Gilmore to get him to keep his soldiers busy in re-fortifying the school. He explains briefly about the Hand of Omega, Susan going into more detail about it and its origins. The Doctor gives his belief that the Daleks are attempting to follow in the Time Lord path of learning to create time travel. Given their inherent evil, that isn't something that the Doctor is willing to let happen.

It is about this time that Gilmore returns to inform them that the Hand has been stolen, the Doctor finishing up his equipment and declaring that they will need to go and get it.

The Renegade Daleks kill off Ratcliffe's men and the reveal of the Controller being the little blonde girl happens to the shock of literally Ratcliffe and no one else.

With his device, the Doctor is able to pinpoint the location of the Hand, leading them to Ratcliffe's facility. The Renegade Daleks activate the Time Controller and are preparing to leave when the Doctor, Ian, and Susan manage to sneak around them and in, finding the Time Controller...which the Doctor laughs off as cheap and nasty time travel much as he does in the broadcast episode.

Ian rightly points out that the two of them alone can't get the Hand out by themselves. The Doctor waves this off and walks off into Ratcliffe's office, using the Time Controller to access the Dalek hive mind, learning a bit about them and where they come from.

Imagine a few "dear dear me"s thrown in here as he gets some glimpses of future/past/space is warped and time is bendable for himself. It seems he has quite a bit to look forward to when it comes to the Daleks, something he did not expect, although it does explain how they know of him. It unfortunately doesn't make the old man any less troubled, however. He resolves to do what needs to be done to stop them. Even if he's not particularly fond of Earth, they certainly do not deserve to suffer a fate like the Daleks.

Regardless, the Doctor tells Ian and Susan that it's more than time for them to leave. When Ian asks about the casket, the Doctor says that it's in good hands, tapping it lightly and a strange buzzing coming from it. They are about to depart when Mike arrives and puts the three at gunpoint...only for him to be likewise put at gunpoint by the Renegade Daleks.

In the ensuing chaos, the four manage to escape, but with Mike taking Susan hostage along with the Time Controller. Ratcliffe, on the other hand, isn't so lucky as he gets exterminated for all his hard work. The escapees are quickly forgotten as the Imperial Daleks are on the attack...with a ship descending into the atmosphere...

...and that's it for Part 3. Part 4, the finale, coming very soon!

Doctor Who is the property of the BBC.

For the latest from the MadCapMunchkin, be sure to follow him on Twitter @MadCapMunchkin.

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