Friday, June 22, 2018

MadCap's Game Reviews - "Fallout 4: Captain Cosmos"

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Hey, MadCap! Didn't you already cover the Creation Club and say that you were rather "meh" about the whole thing?" Well, as you recall from the actual review (which you should definitely click the link for and give it a read now before the rush!) is that I did actually like the idea of the Creation Club, I just hate that ever-looming devil of gaming that is the micro-transaction. So, naturally, my first instinct upon being granted the vision you see before you is to drop 700 credits on the PSN to get it.

...hell, Bethesda actually announced Elder Scrolls VI at E3 this year. I'm inclined to throw them a bone.


So, we come to the Captain Cosmos quest - created for the creation club by SovereignWalrus with additional work by fadingsignal. By either starting up a new game and leaving Vault 111 or loading up a pre-existing game, the Pip-Boy picks up a new quest "Captain Cosmos" and a marker will lead us to a truck behind the Super-Duper Mart just outside of Lexington. And what's in the truck, you may ask? A Hubris Delivery Crate, holding all sorts of nifty tchotchkes related to everyone's favorite comic book company in post-apocalyptia: Hubris Comics. Along with a few junker items like a couple Jangles the Moon Monkeys and a toy alien are a few items of interest. Namely, there are the "Captain Cosmos Toy Box"es - eight of them in total along with a holotape "Hubris Delivery Locations" and a key "Hubris TV Studios Key".

Playing the holotape will point you in the direction of the Hub 360. Yep, the heart of Boston which means fighting your way through some gunners, Super Mutants, and all sorts of mess...unless you fast travel, but then you're just kind of being a completely sensible jerk. When you get inside, there's a new door to be accessed from under the staircase - Hubris Television Studios. Entering into it, you find that the place is exactly what it says on the tin - it's a television studio. Terminals still working after 210 years will tell you some backstory, namely that this was the place where the Captain Cosmos television series (basically something you'll remember if you've played anything from Fallout 3 onward) was filmed.

Also, apparently, the military was bringing something very special for the season finale...POWER ARMOR! Which I'm sure isn't going to deeply upset the lore fanatics! It seems, unfortunately for the people working there, that there would be no Season Finale to Captain Cosmos because of that terrible day when the bombs fell. It's not as egregious a case as the X-01 suits at Nuka-World, either. The "CC-00" Power Armor appears to be a modified T-60...with a Jet Pack.

It doesn't give much more protection than a T-60 when fully upgraded, but it does come with the added bonus of a Jet Pack for those of you who don't want to spec into Science but still want to zoom around like a crazy rocket man with actually having put in the work. Ya, scrubs!

Also in the sealed up in the place are Captain Cosmos outfits, which provide an insane amount of radiation protection...and not much else. You can mod it at a workbench in order to change the color (I went with blue, but that's my preference) and to modify the Moon Boots. With a Science of 1, you can modify the suit to increase your jump height (the suit itself already protects you from falling damage).

And then, the last big ticket item is the Cryo Cosmic Cannon Rifle. It's a gun that fires a stream a freezing mist that is...surprisingly quite effective against opponents. It counts as an Energy Weapon an uses Fusion Cells rather than Cyro Cells, though that may be because it ends up being modifiable into a laser rifle and a sonic pulse rifle.

Besides a few terminal entries, however, there isn't much to get here besides some clutter...and a Captain Cosmos Redemption machine. Like the Boston Library machines where you can turn in overdue books, this machine will accept Captain Cosmos Toy Boxes for any manner of reward such as a mystery prize (3 boxes), a Jangles the Moon Monkey (8 boxes), a piece of CC-00 Power Armor (15 boxes), and even a Cosmos Space Suit or a Cosmic Cannon (20 boxes for either).

But where do you find the boxes? All in the quest locations, it seems. I've not yet found it as random loot in the world, though I've heard conflicting reports from others. And yes, other quest locations. While the holotape points you in the direction of the Hubris Studios - which does beg the question why they were filming the Silver Shroud at their actual comics headquarters and not here now that I think about it - but three other locations are listed to explore.

...and besides putting a Redemption machine in their general vicinity, there appears to be no change. The cells had set (Hubris, in particular, had more ghouls than I remember there being).

On the whole, this isn't a bad addition to Fallout 4. The Hubris Studios area feels like it belongs right where it is and the goodies you get for a relatively short quest are pretty neat. Sure, you might take issue with the lore with the Power Armor - particularly the Redemption machines being able to replicate what was supposed to be a specialized suit of armor made specifically for the show by the military...and a second one in the studios as well (happy hunting, pack your Moon Boots!), but those are really minor issues that don't amount to much. If you wanna get a fairly decent Power Armor set for your mid to early late-game players, then Captain Cosmos provides.

Now, if you'll excuse me...I'm going to try to glitch out the game by jumping over the maximum height in one of my settlements...

Captain Cosmos is available by the Bethesda Creation Club for Fallout 4 on Playstation, Xbox One, and PC.

For the latest from the MadCapMunchkin, be sure to follow him on Twitter @MadCapMunchkin.

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