Monday, July 18, 2022

From MadCap's Couch - Quantum Leap: "Double Identity"

... I mean, okay, he is good-looking, but...

Last time,
 Sam Beckett found himself helping a rock n' roll legend get his start only to then find himself under a woman and with his pants missing. Or, as Sam will eventually call it...Friday.

And then Wednesday...

and then Tuesday...

...yeah, this joke really only works if you know the time slots that Quantum Leap was originally aired in. See, kids, back in the yesteryears of television, we actually had to watch things live as they aired. Because of this, sometimes shows would-

EDITOR'S NOTE: He rambles on like this for a while. For the sake of your sanity and mine, I have edited it down. Trust me, there is no need to thank me.

- an ice cream social!

Anyway, let's get into Double Identity.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

MadCap's D&D Builds - Owen Grady Build (Jurassic World) (5e)

So, writing this out now just after having seen Jurassic World: Dominion, I'm kind of irritated with myself for not thinking of this sooner. This may be the no-brainer-est of all no-brainer character builds that I've ever done thus far.

Burt Macklin, Raptor Trainer!

Saturday, July 9, 2022

MadCap At The Movies - "Jurassic World: Dominion" (2022)

Alright, so... let's pick up right where we left off before. Plus about four years.

Now, you may remember that I rather enjoyed Fallen Kingdom at the time that it came out. My opinion on it has soured a bit upon re-viewing, I'm sorry to say. I'd hesitate to call it "bad", but it's an odd duck in the Jurassic Park franchise. It's not Jurassic Park III bad, but it was still eclipsed by the first Jurassic World film in terms of scale and presentation. With Dominion touted as "The Epic Conclusion of the Jurassic Era", will it be able to surpass expectations? Let's have a look!

As always, beyond this point there be spoilers. You have been warned.

Monday, July 4, 2022

From MadCap's Couch - Quantum Leap: "How the Tess Was Won"

Well, we're four episodes in. How about a Western?

...oh, no? Nah, we have awkward battle of the sexes. That works just as well, right?


Friday, July 1, 2022

MadCap's Fiction Corner - Fallout: "Manifest Destiny" (Chapter 7)

"General, we have Curie coming in-"

"Let her in! Let her in!" Andrew insisted to the Minuteman, who nodded, opening the door. The Miss Nanny-turned Synth looked panicked.

"Monsieur Tyler! The Brotherhood! The Brotherhood!" She gasped out.