Saturday, December 18, 2021

MadCap's Fiction Corner - Seattle By Night: "Lost Children, Part 3"

"She's taking too long." Anthony intoned, still looking at Molek's Light. The minutes were ticking by, something wasn't quite right. The Tremere could feel it in the pit of his stomach.

"You weren't a Sunday School kid, were you?" Sybil asked.

"I wasn't, no," Anthony said, "I was raised Jewish."

"And I guess that became less of an issue for you after your got the nip, right?"

"Already wasn't before that, honestly. Never was much for religion in general."

"Well, Church services can drag on for a bit, so just wait for it." The Malkavian told him, looking to the place with a practiced eye. Unlike him, she was a little more cool about the situation. Or she thought she was at the very least. "If she's in trouble, she knows the signal."

"If she's a pile of ash because of those Baali motherfuckers, then we're already too late." Anthony was gritting his teeth.

"Take it easy, Edward Elric. Just take a deep breath." Sybil said.

". . .was that a joke?" Anthony asked.

"Yes." Sybil said, grinning a bit. "Was it good?"

". . .a little bit."

"Ha! Got 'em!"

"I don't know what you mean, darling." Grace kept a veneer of calm as she feared breaking the Masquerade, even slightly.

"Oh, c'mon! We know! I mean, most of us know, anyway." The bubbly blonde said. "The Father says that there have always been vampires in Seattle and that they're nothing to be afraid of."

"If that were true," Grace intoned, "then I'd be very afraid. Vampires are a scary thought."

"They're more than a thought!" The blonde insisted. "They're real! That's what the Father keeps telling us all about. How we're going to bring them into the light!"

"Uh huh. . ." Grace said, attempting to project an air of vague disinterest and skepticism.

"You'll see!" The blonde, oblivious to her deflection, smiled brightly. "We already have several vampires from the Clan of Tremere brought over. They have joined us and others will come, too!" Grace's mind was almost nearly afire with those words. If she knew the Tremere, then she would possibly know other clans. Oliviera was right to point them in this direction, this was definitely not a good thing. Not a good thing at all.

"I suppose we'll see, then." Grace said, after which the blonde seemed disinterested in continuing, merely looking to the pulpit.

"An army?" Ben asked.

"Kindred and humans. Can you picture anything more beautiful?" Aleister asked him, smiling fondly at the crowd gathered far below. "Together, we'll bring down the remnants of House Tremere and soon the entire Camarilla."

"To what end?" Ben asked. "You break the Masquerade, humans find out about you and-"

"And they'll what? Join us? Of course." Aleister said.

"They'll wipe Seattle off the face of the planet." Ben said. "I know you're a little young to remember the first Inquisition."

"Don't presume to talk age with me, boy." Aleister's entire demeanor changed. His jovial tone and stance had become considerably less so, falling into a darkness that Ben knew only too well. "I am Baali. I am a lord. When human beings huddled in fear around their little campfires, I was the thing in the dark."

"You're not that old." Ben said. "I know it. You're way, way too modern."

"The thought of me is that old, though." Aleister said. "My brother's a little zealot for our cause, but he'd say the same. Our blood, the blood of Ashur runs in our veins and we intend to make good on our purpose."

"What? Bringing down the Camarilla?" Ben asked.

"Oh, no. Our goals go far beyond that, Ben. Far beyond that paltry thing." Aleister shook his head. "That will be part of the end result, but it isn't the goal. Just a stepping stone on the path."

"Okay, then what is it?" The Gangrel glared at him.

"I'll tell you," Aleister said, "on the condition that you join with us."

". . .what?" Ben snorted, almost sounding amused.

"I'm serious. Why are you serving the Camarilla, Ben? What have they done for you in twenty years?"

"Until recently, they were leaving me alone." Ben said. "And that was enough."

"Ignoring you and leaving you to rot in the woods. Hardly a fitting status for someone like yourself."

"Like myself?"

"What is it you were called? 'The Wolf of Vancouver'? Your existence was legendary, especially for a vampire without even a century under their belt."

"That was a different man. That isn't who I am anymore."

"It is your true self, Ben. You've only forgotten." Aleister said, turning toward Ben as a measure of that joviality came back to him. "The Camarilla has kept you muzzled, limited what you can do and what you can be. The Baali would put no such restrictions on you. No limitations. All you have to do is join with us." He extended his hand. "Will you?"

The answer came in a set of claws that had been warped and twisted from Ben's hands slashing through the air, forcing Aleister back.

"How's that for an answer?" Ben asked.

"You disappoint me." Aleister said, brandishing a wooden stake from within his coat. "You could have finally been set free. . ."

"I am surprised you've come to me, Mr. White." Antonio Oliviera sat in a chair, sipping from a glass filled with piping hot vitae. "Might I offer you a drink?"

"I have already imbibed earlier this evening, thank you." Fabian said. He had indeed done just that on the way over, after leaving a less than pleased Marion behind with a vial of Ventrue Elder blood. That seemed to assuage her, at least for now. He'd have to keep an eye out for her. At the moment, the Lasombra he was seated across from was his concern. "I've come to ask a favor."

"A favor?" Oliviera asked, setting his glass down on the small table next to his chair. "From me?"

"Indeed so." Fabian nodded. "I understand you are experienced in touching the world. . .beyond this one."

"The Abyss?" Oliviera asked. "I have been known to dabble in such things. What is it that you are looking for?"

"A person beyond the veil." Fabian said. "My sire who, unfortunately, met the Final Death some time ago."

"Unfortunate indeed." Oliviera said. "I could, perhaps, do this. I know a ritual that pertains to such. My question is, what will you provide me with?"

"A boon." Fabian said.

"A boon?" Oliviera sneered at him. "For raising the dead, you offer only a simple boon?"

"A major boon." Fabian said. "One that I have already discussed with the Harpies in Elysium." The Ventrue held up his cell phone. "I have to send a single text message, and it will be yours. Officially."

"Hmm. . .a major boon from a member of the Ventrue's precious little Board." Oliviera stroked his bare chin, thinking this over. Fabian pondered how Oliviera knew of his elevation to the Board, but had little time to think of it before the Lasombra added on, "Yes, very well. I shall accept this. Come, we have work to do before the night is out. . ."

"Uh. . ."

"That's. . .not the cops." Sybil said, seeing the large van rolling up to Molek's Light. The back opened, several men in tactical gear hopping out.

"Please tell me they're Camarilla, at least. . ." Anthony muttered.

"I don't think so." Sybil said.

"We need to do something." Anthony said. "Now!"

"What exactly do you suggest?" Sybil asked, shooting him a look. "Besides being afraid and dying?"

"Ben and Grace are in there, we need to get them out!" Anthony snapped.

"Are you crazy?" Sybil asked. The Tremere and the Malkavian exchanged a look. "Yes, I know how that sounds, but what can we do?"

". . .I've got an idea." Anthony said, quickly pulling out his cell phone and dialing a number.

Ben swung around, dodging the stake Aleister had pulled out and threw a kick to the Baali's back, sending it from his grasp and tumbling over the railing of the rafters. Aleister responded by dropping and attempting to sweep the leg, which Ben jumped back from, flipping back in the air and landing a few feet back.

"Afraid of a little wood, Ben?" Aleister asked.

"Generally isn't something I keep close to the heart, no." Ben snipped back. He advanced on Aleister, claws elongating with Protean. His opponent slipped around, slamming his wrists into Ben's and avoiding the claws, throwing the Gangrel off-balance and slamming both fists into the man's solar plexus. Working with the momentum, Ben fell back and brought his feet up, likewise knocking Aleister back before the Baali could remove himself the appropriate distance. By the time both got back to their feet, they were suddenly privy to a loud boom from below.

Both glanced down to see a pair of propane tanks being tossed into the room. . .and a second later, they erupted in fire.

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