Thursday, March 25, 2021

MadCap's Game Reviews - "Pokémon Sword and Shield"

Alright, so I admittedly might be on a bit of a kick of late.

Yes, it's another game in the Pokémon franchise as if there weren't enough commentary on the subject available not only on this very blog, but from pretty much everyone and their mother across the internet and even in the dark era before we had the internet.

. . .so here's yet another bit of knowledge.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What if...Mace Windu survived his fight with Palpatine? (Part 12)

Last time, Mace went to the aid of one Cal Kestis on the planet Dathomir. The galaxy is in chaos with the cold war between the Empire and the burgeoning Rebellion, and it seems that no one has the upper hand in the battle of the Light Side versus the Dark. Will Mace be able to aid Cal on his mission? Will the Empire recover from their defeat at Despayre and the loss of their superweapon? And what about the Prophets of the Dark Side and the Inquisitorus?

. . .let's answer that last question first, shall we?

Sunday, March 14, 2021

MadCap's Reel Thoughts - "The Shadow" (1994)

"The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows..."

Comic books have always been a passion of mine as long-time readers of my blog will know. You'll also eventually know, due to me reviewing the Doctor Who episode "The Unicorn and the Wasp" in a few weeks, that I'm also a fan of Sherlock Holmes and detective stories in general. So something that blends the two of them seems like a no-brainer, right?

Enter the pulp magazine.