Friday, February 26, 2021

Madcap's Fiction Corner - "Minos Mayhem, Epilogue"

The festivities on Bogden's third moon were far and away removed from those occurring on Shuttle Obsidian. Corrin Dax had managed to successfully pilot the shuttle away from the Vigilant Warden and make the jump to hyperspace as the battle was joined between the Rebels and those that Critus had brought under his control. If that had been all, that would have been suitable enough. Dax, however, was not the only passenger aboard Obsidian.

Friday, February 19, 2021

MadCap's Fiction Corner - "Minos Mayhem, Chapter 19"

"He does not yet see. Why can he not yet see?"


"How can I make him see? How can I open his Eye to Ascension?"


"The time is at hand. Please. Please tell me what I can do to bring him into your graces. Into the light of Ascension!"

Friday, February 12, 2021

MadCap's Fiction Corner - "Minos Mayhem, Chapter 18"


The ramp off of the shuttle opened up to a graveyard. The bodies of Stormtroopers and a few people that Calen recognized by their clothing as cultists from the Church of Infinite Perception lay strewn about Bay 327.

"Oh, by the space winds..." Bashin's snout wrinkled in distaste for the sight before them. Looking over the carnage, there were considerably more trooper bodies than those of cultists. A surprise attack, perhaps? The four organics and the one astromech droid moved through, weapons drawn and keeping their eyes open for any attack. None came as they passed into Bay 328, just more bodies and carbon scoring across surfaces where shots had not met their intended target.

"I think the Church finally decided to take over..." Niyasa intoned.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

What If...Mace Windu survived his fight with Palpatine? (Part 10)

Holy smokes! We finally made it! Ten parts! This is my longest running what if thus far!

Without any further adieu, let's get into it...

Last time, Bail Organa was arrested by the Empire and taken to the planet Despayre. The Jedi managed to escape being decimated once again by their forces and the forces of the Prophets of the Dark Side, and regrouped with Mon Mothma and Garm Bel Ibis to launch a rescue mission. Will they succeed? Let's find out.

MadCap's Mad Rantings - "Whatever Happened To The Light To Show the Way?"

So, here's something that's been bugging me immensely for a while now, and I really just wanted to get my thoughts down on text. If this one seems particularly rambly, then I'm sorry.

This all said, if you'll look at the above tweet, I'll get started. In short, CW has ordered a pilot episode of a new Powerpuff Girls series. The solicitation for it describes it as starring "disillusioned twentysomethings who resent having lost their childhood to crime fighting".

I am absolutely, positively, and without a single bit of hyperbole, exhausted by this.

Friday, February 5, 2021

MadCap's Fiction Corner - "Minos Mayhem, Chapter 17"

The bridge of the Vigilant Warden was absolutely tense. The orders had been carried out, Admiral Ayro's new weapon had had its first successful test...with terrible results. No lifesigns were being reported, all at once, they had all winked out...and were gone.

"...the...the test was successful." The ops officer reported. "Gehenna is...Gehenna is gone..."